Sharing content has been never easier than this

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Create a page for anyone you want

In Pagser you can create 2 different kinds of pages:

Public Page

Create a public page to share your content with anyone on the internet. Maybe you want to share an experience, story or anything else, or introduce your idea or product, in those cases, you can create a public page. You can write whatever you want in that without any limitation.

Private Page

Create a private page for your teammates, students, co-workers, teachers, etc. You may create a private page if you want to share your content only with specific persons or even just yourself. After creating a private page you will choose a nice URL for it that you need to give that to anyone you want to visit that page.

Create a page in 3 simple steps

Choose your page type, provide the contents, and finally configure and publish it. That's all!

Step 1:

Choose your page type, it can be private or public.

Step 2:

Next, fill your page content, provide a title and write the actual body.

Step 3:

Finally, choose some tags if it is public, or choose a nice URL if it is a private page and publish it! You can also change some configurations here as well such as creating it anonymously or whether to allow others to comment or not and so on.

Pretty straightforward right? Just get started right now by signing up for free.

Get started instantly for free

Create your account to be able to create public or private pages, comment on other pages, bookmark a page and more.

Sign up for free

Why should I create a page in Pagser?

Some reasons why Pagser is awesome for sharing contents:


It's a piece of cake to create a page, just 3 simple steps.


The website is fast and can run on any device.


It is all free to use.


For private pages you can create a short and nice url for it.


You can allow or disallow specific users to get access to a private page.